Health, Safety & Hygiene

Your child’s Health, Safety and Hygiene: Our Top Priority

Health, Safety & Hygiene

We use the National Childcare Standards of the UAE as well as the UK Welfare Standards to ensure the highest standards of health and safety are met at all times. Your peace of mind is our commitment! 

We use the National Childcare Standards of the UAE as well as the UK Welfare Standards to ensure the highest standards of health and safety are met at all times. Your peace of mind is our commitment! For more information on Health and Safety please see the Policies section of our website.

Risk Assessments

All areas of our Nursery have in-depth risk assessments that are reviewed every 12 months and updated accordingly. In addition, we are continually conducting regular risk assessments on all aspects of the Nursery operations. We are constantly reviewing and changing our setting, resources and practice in order to reduce the amount and impact of any risks to make all the childcare places at the nursery as safe as possible.

Risk assessments are conducted within all areas of the Nursery, including classrooms, play areas, activities, resources, and cleaning equipment. All planned outdoor excursions away from the Nursery will include a prior and in-depth risk assessment.

Security and CCTV cameras

Our Nursery premises is secured so that only authorized staff and families enter. Our premises have CCTV at the entrance door and within all children areas of our Nursery setting. All visitors must ring the buzzer and a member of staff will answer the door to ensure the safety of all children and staff at the premises.

First Aid

All of our members of staff team are Paediatric First Aid trained which ensures they can deal with any health and safety concerns promptly and effectively. Although, by regulatory standards it is compulsory to have just one qualified member of staff on premises at all times however we felt very strongly that first aid training was extremely important for both our staff and the children.  We have therefore invested in training for all of staff at BELC and this is something we are very proud of!

Illness and Medication

If your child becomes ill whilst at the Nursery, we will contact you. We have strict policies for administering medication to children, only when authorized by a parent with the written prescription from the doctor. All medications are dispensed by our DHA licensed Nurse who is available at the premises full-time.


We update our safeguarding policy regularly in keeping with any new legislation changes. It is our responsibility to create a culture and ethos within our setting that demonstrates a commitment to keeping children safe. To this end we act upon any concerns that we may have and refer this to regulatory agencies where and when needed.


At Belinay, we have well established emergency evacuation protocols in place. Since your child’s safety is our top-most concern, we don’t just have a plan, we regularly test and train our staff so they are evacuation ready.


Cleanliness and hygiene are a high priority at Belinay Early Learning Centre and our setting and facilities are cleaned and sanitized regularly. We also promote good hygiene with the children e.g., hand washing before meals, after using the toilet, cleaning teeth etc.

Healthy Habits

We try and encourage healthy habits and promote a healthy lifestyle at our nursery. We ensure that children participate in physical activities and exercise each day. We also try and include healthy choices for meals and snack time. Eating well, exercise, healthy lifestyles and looking after ourselves and others are topics we often explore and discuss with our children at Belinay Nursery.