Early Years Frequently Asked Questions
EYFS stands for Early Years Foundation Stage. The EYFS is a curriculum from the UK that is split into 7 areas of Learning and Development.
3 Prime Areas: Communication and Language development, Personal social and emotional Development and Physical Development.
4 Specific Areas: Mathematics, Literacy, Understanding the world, Expressive art and design.
Within these areas, we must ensure children are making progress and achieving their developmental milestones appropriate to their age and developmental levels.
- • One coloured copy of the Child’s Passport and valid Residence Visa
- • One coloured copy of the Parents’ and Child’s Emirates ID
- • One copy of the Child’s Birth Certificate (Attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs UAE, if the child is born outside UAE.)
- • Six passport sized photographs of the child (coloured)
- • 1 passport sized photograph of the parents. (coloured)
- • One copy of the child’s immunization records.
- • Loose nappies or diarrhoea – 48 hours or until toileting returns to normal.
- • Temperature above 37.8 degrees – 24 hours or until temperature returns to normal without the need for medication.
- • Conjunctivitis – 24 hours after drops have been administered.
Children should bring the below items. Please label all belongings with your child’s name.
- A Backpack
- Two changes of spare clothes and under-garments even if the child is toilet trained in case of accidents or illness.
- Nappies/ Pull Ups
- Wipes (if needed)
- Food (in an air-tight container) for snack and lunch — Rounded and disposable cutlery as needed.
- Water Bottle
We encourage children in the Bel Nursery ( 2 years to 3 years) and the Bel Foundation group (3 years to 4 years) to follow our 6 BELC rules, these are:
- We have kind hands and feet
- We share and take turns
- We use indoor feet (walking feet)
- We use indoor voices
- We have listening ears
- We use kind words
We use these rules to help our children understand boundaries at the nursery. They enforce life lessons which will hopefully improve your child’s transitions through school life.
We understand that selecting the right nursery for your child is a crucial decision, and Dubai offers a variety of options. To help you navigate this important choice, consider the following checklist when exploring nursery school admissions:
- Warm and Welcoming Environment: Does the nursery feel happy, warm, and welcoming?
- Happy Children: Do the children appear happy and engaged with the staff?
- Happy Staff: Do the staff team appear happy, relaxed and engaged in their work?
- Convenient Hours: Are the opening hours suitable for your schedule?
- Year-Round Availability: Is the nursery open throughout the year?
- Safety and Comfort: Is the building safe, comfortable, and designed for childcare?
- Registration and Accreditation: Is the nursery registered, and is the certificate displayed?
- Age-Appropriate Facilities: Is the nursery equipped to care for children of different age groups?
- Cleanliness: Is the environment bright and clean?
- Parental Access: Can parents visit the nursery at any time?
- Play Areas: Is there a safe and stimulating play area?